Europe's Most Wanted

Today we took Finn to see Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted.  Finn has been asking to see the "new Madagascar" for weeks.  He looked so cute sitting in those big movie chairs.  He wasn't quite heavy enough to weight the seat down, so his little legs angled up.  As you can see Sam came too.  He did really well. He sat through the entire movie without fussing.  Well, there was one little "change my diaper fuss."  Gran took him out to change his diaper and he was back in business.

Finn exiting the theater.
For some reason, Finn decided to scream right before I took this picture.  He just walked in front of the screen and just squealed as loud as he could.
I had a lot of fun taking Finn to the theater.  When he got home Finn took a three hour nap.  Not too shabby.


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