A Very Big Uh'oh

On Sunday Michael left for the entire week for a leadership conference in Knoxville (and took my laptop with him).  Early that morning we went to church, and then to Firehouse for lunch.  When we got home Michael packed up and was out the door by a little before 2:00.  Grandad and Gigi arrived a few minutes later to stay with us overnight.

That night we ate supper at Brixx where Finn stabbed Grandad under the eye with a fork, bringing blood.  I think that Finn felt pretty bad because he wanted to lay in the booth and hide his face.  Despite the assault with a deadly weapon incident, Finn enjoyed a dinner of breadsticks followed shortly by chocolate ice cream with M'Ms at Marble Slab.  On this particular evening Finn ate his ice cream out of a cone.  He didn't understand exactly how to eat from the cone.  He would eat the ice cream down to the cone, and then hand it to me to eat the cone down so that he could get more ice cream.

On our way back to the car it started to rain so we had to run with both boys.  When we got home Finn watched the "Penguins of Madagascar" and ate popcorn with Grandad and Gigi while I prepared for court.

Finn didn't get his nap today he was pretty tired at bedtime and went to bed without a scene.  In the middle of the night I felt someone crawl up into bed with me.  I look over to see Finn getting under the covers.  I was too tired to argue with him so I snuggled up next to him and went to sleep.  The next morning I explained to Finn that he can only sleep in my bed with his dad is out of town.

 On Monday I had to be in court in Lebanon by 8:30 so I left home early in the morning.  Unfortunately I didn't get back home until close to 8:00 p.m.  Finn and Sam stayed with Grandad and Gigi all day.  I learned that they made a trip to Wal-Mart where Finn picked out two dinosaurs.  When I asked them what their names were he said "Rudy" and "this one."  Later he was dubbed "Rex." Thank you Grandad and Gigi for staying so late.

Finn had a hard time sleeping Monday night - he got up every thirty minutes or so, so I let him sleep with me again.


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