The Week Of Sam

In Finn's absence, Sam as been the main attraction at the Begley home. While I miss Finn terribly, I have to admit that I have enjoyed this time with Sam, a.k.a. "Smiles" a.k.a "Mr. Happiness"   It has actually been a very busy week.  On Monday I didn't get home until 6:00 from work.  I prepared dinner and three of us sat down in the den to eat and watch the Bachelorette.  Fifteen minutes in the power went off and stayed off for almost an hour.  We decided to pass the time on the swing outside.  Once it started to get dark we got out the candles and settled in for the evening.  A few minutes later the power came back on. 

 Sam and the candle:  proof that we were without power for a time.

 Sam looking at his hands.

Sam sucking on his thumb.  On that note, Sam is definitely going to be a thumb sucker.  When I put the pacifier in his mouth he immediately pops it out and proceeds to stick his thumb in.  The other night when I went into his room to check on him I found him laying on his stomach with his head turned to the side sucking his thumb - it was precious. 

This child is bound and determined to smother himself in bed.  He refused to lay on his back for week choosing instead to sleep on his side.  Now it is a common occurrence to find Sam laying flat on his belly with his face either straight in the mattress or one nostril straight into the mattress - scares me to death.  I tried to get a picture of his sleeping habits, but accidentally woke him up.  

I did end up rolling him over the first few nights and within seconds he was back on his stomach. 

On Tuesday Michael and I went to Zaxby's for dinner and then to a movie. Sam stayed home with Gran and rocked.  He had a glorious night. 

On Wednesday Sam worked with me in my office.  I spread one of his quilts out on the floor and we sat on the quilt and worked.  After a few minutes he decided that he would rather be held.  So, we sat in the floor, Sam in one hand and a pen in the other and continued to work.  

He soon tired of such boring legal work and opted for nap in my bed. 

More evidence of Sam's nerve wracking sleeping habits. 

Thursday was much like Wednesday.  We ate dinner on the patio and then Sam and I went upstairs to do a little work.  We mostly ended up playing though.  Finn loves to be played with/sung to.  He opens his mouth as wide as he can while still smiling and squeal in delight.  He also like to grab big chunks of my hair. 

In other "Sam News", Sam has graduated to a size 3 diaper, he is eating oatmeal every night (prefers it with Mama moo juice) and spend most of his time on his belly.  He likes being held more than anything in the world - even more than eating.  He is the happiest baby I have ever met and quite possibly the drooliest - you take the good with the bad I guess :) 


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