Normal Shirt

On Wednesday while getting Finn ready for his day at JT's I put his VBS t-shirt on him.  He defiantly told me that he could not wear this shirt because he WAS NOT going to bible school.  He proceeds to tell me that he needs a "normal" shirt.  

Later that day Mom came to help me for the rest of the week (I had three trials this week and could not adequately prepare and be a single mom).  The first thing we did was pick the boys up from JT's house.  Upon seeing Nana, Finn ran right up to her and gave her a hug.  Next we went to Wal-Mart where Finn conned an employee out of a bag of Cheeto's.  We had to pay for it of course.  Next we went home and made hamburgers steaks.  Finn even ate an entire "mini-hamburger steak" and professed to love it.  Next he played in daddy's special dirt (mulch) and emerged filthy. Nana gave Finn a bath while I prepared Sam for bed.  Before bed mom and I had a cup of coffee which kept her up most of the night (sorry mom).

On Thursday I took Finn to JT's while Nana had a "Sam day."  I thankfully got out of court by around 1:00 so I was able to come home and prepare for my trial on Friday.  When I got home Sam was in his swing and Nana was manually swinging him.   After lunch Sam took a short nap while I worked.  At 4:00 I left for a meeting and after my meeting I picked Finn up from JT's house. 

JT loves walking Finn to the car.  He will open the door and either attempt to get in with Finn or play with the toys in the floor board.  On our way to the car Finn turned to me and said "JT is my best friend."  It was so sweet. 

When we got home Nana had prepared field peas - which Finn ate and then we settled in for the evening. 

The next morning Finn and Sam spent the day with Nana while I went to court.  They watched "Lady and Tramp" and snuggled on the couch while I was gone. 

I got back home around 1:00 with a splitting headache and took a nap while the boys napped.  Mom left a shortly after I got back home.  Thank you mom for helping me out the last half of the week!

Michael got home around 4:00 and we took Finn to Sonic for a Wacky-Pack.  We parked at Sonic and ate on the picnic table.  Finn even got his very own diet vanilla coke.  The remainder of the evening was pretty restful.  I napped off a headache while the boys played outside.  Then Finn worked out with Michael he looked so funny doing squats and lunges.

Finn specifically asked me to take these pictures - he laid in the floor next to Sam and said "take this picture." 


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