Bradley Reunion

On Saturday I traveled to Grandad and Gigi's house to pick up Finn. I was so anxious to see him. We had talked on the phone everyday and Finn always asked when I was coming back to the beach.  When I walked into the house Finn heard my voice before he actually saw me.  He came running around the corner and jump on me and hugged my neck as hard as he could.  He looked very seriously at me and hugged me again.  He was so happy to see me.

After picking up Finn we went back to eat supper at Nana and Papa's house.  That night Finn play ed cars with Papa and then slept in the murphey bed with me.  The next morning Finn went to Sunday School with Nana and Papa.  After church we left for the Bradley Reunion.

Finn and Nana arrived at the Sam time as Sadie and Emmy.

Once at the reunion we name tagged up. 

 Sam was introduced to the "baby whisperer"

Caleb and Aunt Tracey held our place in line - we cut in front of so many people.

 There were so many people at the reunion.  We had people come all the way from Michigan and San Fransisco.

 Finn and Rex played cars.  Rex taught Finn a lot about cars.  He also informed Finn about who won the British Open.

 Finn spent the last half of the reunion playing with Papa.  The results were comical.

 After the reunion I went back home and Finn, Sam and Nana went to Granny and Papa's house.

 Then they went back to Nana and Papa's house to spend the night.

 Chances are they are watching "Godzilla."
 The next morning Sam ate frozen blueberries.
 Finn played in the rain. 
 Later that day Nana dropped Finn and Sam off at the house.  It was a nice, quiet, rainy day at home - but  I am so happy to have my entire family under one roof.


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