The boy's days started off a lot earlier than mine and Michael's did.  Sam and Finn made a "diaper" appearance outside. Sam found the puddles pretty quickly.

 Next they went down to the pool and had their pictures taken in the big chair.

 I made it out to the pool by about 9:30.  Finn was busy jumping off the side of the pool. He goes through spells where he gets really nervous and doesn't want to jump.  Gigi told him that he could brave through it and he did.

As you can see he is getting pretty good at jumping.
We tried to get Sam to jump too - he hated it.
Next Finn wanted to go to the "hot pool."  We were play when a few kids came along and wanted to play and talk to me too.  When Finn saw that I was engaging with other kids he decided that it was time for us to leave.

 Michael and Finn went down to the beach for a while.  They dug a hug hole.  I went down to check on them after a while and help did a little too.  Finn played with his ninja turtle in the hole.

Sam found this and started naming the parts of the face - nose, mouth and teeth.  He kept his distance from the creepy face though.

Proof that Tommy Begley is Sam's paternal grandfather.

Sam touching the snake.  Gigi told me that she and Finn went to see the snake.  When they got back I told Finn that we don't touch snakes.  For some reason I thought that Gigi had just found a snake lying around in the grass around the pool.  I didn't want Finn to go and pet a snake that was just hanging around the parameter.  I felt pretty silly when I realized that it was a tame snake from "Reptile World."

The boys spent a lot of time sitting with me in the chairs eating "Vanilla Wafers" - Finn's cookie of choice this week.

It is weird having this many pictures of me for the blog - but I am glad that I have them.

When we got back to the room Sam tried watermelon - huge success.  Had juice running down both elbow.  After lunch the boys took long naps.  I went to listen to my book down by the small pool next to the room and got a pretty narley sunburn.

Next we went down to the ocean.  Finn didn't want to go outside so he stayed in the room and played with Michael. We took Sam's float down and let him play in the waves.  He was very content as long as the water didn't slash him in the face. The fun ended abruptly when Sam ate a piece of his float.

For dinner had boiled shrimp.  Then we went outside to let the boys run around the golf course.  We took our annual "on top of the hill" picture.
Finn was in a racing mood so he raced each of us a couple of times.

Sam kicked the ball around.  For a small child Sam is really coordinated.
Finn and I playing with one of the neighors.  I really had to push Finn to engage with this kid.  Again when Finn felt like I was playing too much with this boy Finn decided that it was time to go in.

Sam running down the hill.

The boys had ice cream before bed.  After putting the boys down we watched "Cloud Atlas."  Weird movie - but it held our attention.  Right after the movie Sam started crying. I put him in bed with me and we cuddled for a few minutes.  He is such a sweet bed fellow.


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