The Butcher

Last week Gran took Finn to Walmart to buy a toy.  Finn chose a dinosaur for himself and one for Sam.  I don't think that Sam has ever held that Dinosaur.  Finn has completely monopolized that poor dinosaurs time.  This morning on the way to get hair cuts Finn said that Sam needs "a lot of dinosaurs to play with."  I mentioned to Finn that Sam has a new dinosaur that he doesn't get to play with.  Finn explained that Sam isn't playing with his new dinosaur because Sam is sharing.  Finn clearly has a very skewed idea of what "sharing" means.  I asked Finn what would happen once we got a Sam "a lot of dinosaurs" and Finn responds, "share them with me."  ITo be so young, Finn is really manipulative.

This morning I took both boys for haircuts.  I had a coupon for Super Cuts so we went there.  Super Cuts opens at 9:00.  We were waiting in the parking lot at ten till.  I did not want to wait for a cut.  Finn and Sam were the first cuts of the day.  Finn was so well behaved and polite.  Sam screamed and thrashed his body around the entire time . . .

This is what happens to one when one screams at one's hair dresser through the entire cut. Lesson - Don't mess with Super Cuts.   Sam doesn't seem to notice the butchering.

When we got home Finn noticed that Sam's haircut was different than his. He told me that he wants his haircut like Sam's. 

 Here is Sam and Finn playing with a puzzle together.  Finn is just about to lose his mind.

 Today was a great stay-at-home day with the boys.  We all took a three hour nap.  It was heavenly.

After his nap Finn was in a sweet mood and kept telling me that he loved me.  I told that I loved him too and he said, "mom, how do you know you love me?"  The question caught me off-guard.

Later in the evening Kindle and her daughter Pressley came to have dinner with us.  Pressley is four (4) years old and is precious.  They played quietly together for three hours.  I didn't see Finn the entire time they were at the house.


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