The Haircut

Those of you who know me well know that I am rather impulsive.  I get an idea in my head and I will move heaven and earth to ensure that I accomplish my goal.  Lately I have made several impulsive decisions.  For example, I had my eyeliner tattooed on.  I then went and had my eyebrows tattooed on.  While I did deal with a pretty nasty eye infection, those impulsive decisions have turned out to be pretty good choices.  Well I decided that had to get my hair cut short ASAP!  I made an appointment with a new hairdresser, printed off my picture and headed to the Salon.

Since I had my second eyeliner procedure last week I had my glasses during for the haircut.  After the comb hit the stem of my glasses for the tenth time I decided to take them off.  I didn't actually see what was going on with my hair until after it was too late.  When I put my glasses on I saw the "new me."  I looked like my five year old self stuck in the haircut of a 60 year old woman.  It was definitely short and definitely a shock.  I do not have pictures yet as I am still trying to adjust to it.

Just in case you were wondering, there is a point to this story.  On my way home I warned Michael about the "do."  I did not, however, warn Finn.  When I walked in the door Finn came running toward me to give me a hug.  When he saw my hair he stopped dead in his tracks and said with a half horrified/half confused look on his face, "why do you look that way mom?"   I explained that I got a haircut to which he said "it is not awesome."

But I ask . . .  who is Finn to be giving aesthetic advice?  Case in point . . .

Last Friday Uncle David, Aunt Sharon, Gran and Pa came over to our house to celebrate the 4th of July.  Uncle David came wearing this hat.  He had apparently pulled it out of the yard sale pile at Gran's house and casualty left it at mine.  This morning Finn got a hold of it and the results were priceless.

  I love this one!

In Sam news:  Sam is eating with a spoon now.  He is in no way proficient, but he is making great strides toward total independence.

I am happy to report that Sam still loves me in spite of my new haircut.  Just for this one day he is my favorite :)


  1. If ever a post was screaming for a pox that was not included ... It's this one!

  2. Erin, You could never be anything but awesome! I have to agree with Sam on this one.


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