
On our way to and from Panama City Beach we traveled with only one of our children.  I foolishly assumed that it would be a very pleasant trip because Finn was not there to pester Sam and vice versa.  I don't know if I have never been more wrong about anything in my life.   Sam didn't sleep a wink.  He was very demanding.  He was loud.  I had plans to finish a book on the car ride up - I don't think I managed to finish a chapter.

This is Sam on the way home.  If  possible he was even more demanding.  He yelled book almost the entire ride home.  I think I spent most of the trip turning around in my seat handing Sam a book.  He was really picky about his books too.  I couldn't just hand in any ol' book.  He had to have a new one - he would only reread a book after around an hour had passed.

 He was so serious about reading. He looked very carefully at each page.

 On our way home we stopped at Chic-Fil-A.

I love this picture of Sam. 


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