
 On Wednesday we met Gran, Pa, David and Sharon at the Hendersonville High School practice field to watch the fireworks. The fireworks started at 9:00 so the boys were pretty excited to be up way past their bedtime.  The night was perfect.  The weather has been unseasonably mild this week.  The temperature was in the mid 70s and we had a nice breeze.  It felt like fall. 

 Before the fireworks started Finn and Sam ran around with Uncle David.  The practice field was perfect for playing.  No one sat anywhere near us which caused me some concern.  It seemed as thought the other hundreds of people were congregated around the perimeter of the field.  I started to wonder what was in the middle of the field that everyone was trying to avoid.  I guess it could have been us.

 Here the fireworks had begun.  Finn and Sam both watched pretty contently.  Near the end Sam remembered that he was scared of loud noises and fussed a little.

This pictures show exactly why we love Uncle David so much. 

 Best picture of the night.
 After the fireworks we walked back to the car.  On the way we passed the Methodist church.  They had a band out playing so we stopped and danced a little to some "regional" music (Rocky Top and Sweet Home Alabama, of course).  Knowing the chorus to Sweet Home Alabama (for some reason) Finn sang along.
We had a really good night.


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