
Today I received the sweetest phone call from Finn. He was so excited to tell me that he stuck his head under the water and that he jumped the waves.  He then asked me - "when are you and daddy coming back to the beach?"  I explained to him that we were not coming back and that I would see him soon at home.  He responded, "but I'm worried about you mom."   Grandad and Gigi sent me a few pictures of what he has been up to.

 Supper at Captain Andersons

He got a balloon animal turtle  . . . 

. . . which was promptly eaten by his T-Rex.

 He practiced his penmanship in the sand

 He apparently woke up very early - the beach is very empty.

 He built sand castles.

 He jumped the waves.

 He went diving for treasure.  (Big step for Finn - put his head under)

He practiced going to the bottom of the pool and pushing himself back up. 

 He kicked around on the kick board.

He caught a massive shark. 

He danced with alligators. 

Looks like it is has been a great day!


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