Today was a stay at home with Finn day. It was stressful to say the least. Despite the fact that I was home with Finn I had a lot of work to catch up on after the holidays. Finn must have known that I really needed him to be calm and quiet today because he just wasn't. In fact he was into everything. I am really going to have to start trying reverse psychology on this child. This is picture of Finn attempting to put chards of broken glass in his mouth. I know what you are thinking . . . why on earth did you take a picture before taking the broken glass away from him? Good question. Over this Christmas season, Finn has smashed three (3) glass balls, I really just wanted a picture to remind me of how much fun Finn had destroying my tree. And as a bonus, no stitches.
Next Finn and I played upstairs. While I was typing on the computer, Finn sat in the floor and played with his toys. At some point I started smelling a delicious green apple candy smell and started wondering where on earth it came from. I was mortified when I looked down and saw that Finn had shoved at least five (5) pieces of bubble gum in his mouth. I have no idea how he got a hold of it other than it accidentally got mixed in with his Christmas stuff from Nana (it was the gum that Michael and I got in our stockings). I was able to get all the gum out of his mouth before he got it everywhere.

On Wednesday night we had a pizza night with Gran, Pa, Aunt Sharon, Uncle James, Chelsea and Brother Tim and Jean.

Upon first glance this picture looks like Finn is sitting on his potty. Well, he isn't. He is sitting in his booster seat on the floor. I didn't take this picture so I have no idea what Finn was up to. While on the topic of pottys, on Thursday immediately after changing Finn's diaper I felt a warm spot through the diaper leading me to believe that Finn had "gone" in a brand new diaper. I looked at Finn and asked "Tee Tee?" He smile and with much excitement said "POTTY!" I hope this is a good sign.
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