Hair Cut - take 3

Today Finn and I went to get our hair cut. It was, to date, the most traumatic experience of Finn's life. He cried so hard that he started gagging in the chair. And it wasn't the fake kind of gagging either. Even though his fear was completely irrational, I felt so bad for him. Finn acted pretty weird towards me the rest of the day. I think it all started when I forced him to take a nap and then woke him up prematurely. It certainly didn't help matters that I forcefully held his head still during the hair cut either.

On the way home I stopped at Sonic and Finn and I shared a grilled cheese. It at least took his mind of the fact that he was mad at me. When we got home Finn was feeling much better and played on the floor in my bedroom while I spend the rest of the day cleaning up. He ended up finding some of my business cards and played with them in the floor for forever. It was so sweet; he laid on this stomach propped up on his elbows, swinging his feet. He would closely examine the type of the card. Then he would point at the letters. Then he would roll over on his back, bring the card close to his face and really examine it. This went on for about 10 minutes. Only the sound of Garth Brooks broke his concentration - he couldn't resist the urge to dance.

Later on the in the day Finn and I went to Krogers to buy chili fixins'. While standing at the check out counter paying for the groceries, Finn did something that scared me to death. I turned around to talk to him and he was standing straight up in the buggy (the place where he was suppose to be sitting) smiling as big as he could. Thank goodness he wasn't holding a 3 liter. Sorry Mom . . . just a joke. While the look on Finn's face (the sense of accomplishment) was priceless, my heart fell in to my stomach for a split second. I guess it is time for seat belts.

James and Chelsea came over later in the evening and we ate chili and watched the "Social Network." Good movie.


  1. My stomach flipped just reading this! And yes, you did fall out of the buggy once and I still don't like to remember it.

    Love the haircut Finn, you're so precious!


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