I was trying to get a picture of Finn sitting on this container reading. Over the past few days he has brought reading materials over to the wrapping paper box to read. The minute he saw the camera he started coming toward me to see the baby.

Let no one ever accuse me of being vain!

Today was a good day with the Finnster. We really didn't do anything specific. To sum it up we just read and played and hugged all day. Finn loves to read. Today he brought me four (4) of his favorite books, crawled up in my lap and asked me to read. We read "Mickey Mouse Christmas," "Does A Kangaroo have a Mama too," "Elmo's Playdate" and "Razzle Dazzle Bedtime" at least ten (10) times a piece. When I was finished he would say "more please" while tapping those fingers together. I love reading "Razzle Dazzle Bedtime" because it is a simple picture book about going to bed. Finn has started to recognize some of the pictures and will point to the picture and say the word (well, as best as he can say it). Finn recognizes the rubber duck, the toothbrush (probably because of all the trauma he has had to endure while getting his teeth brushed), the jammies, the blanket, the moon and the goodnight kiss. Goodnight kiss is my favorite because after I say it Finn will lean his cheek into me and wait for me to give him a kiss. Goodness I am going to miss him when he is grown. There is nothing in the world like having a baby run to you and wrap their arms around you. I guess God thought of everything.

Tonight while I was rocking Finn to sleep a thought hit me. At this time last year I was preparing to go back to work full time as my maternity leave was over. I put on a brave face, but I didn't want to leave Finn to go back to work. We would leave the house every morning at 7:30 and wouldn't get home until 5:00ish Monday through Friday. When we got home I had dinner to prepare and then Michael and I had to clean up and give Finn a bath. Then at 7:30-8:00 he was in bed. I felt like I hardly saw him at all. It only took me a few weeks to realize that this wasn't going to work. So Michael and I did our research and decided that I would start my own practice. Currently I am working out of my home and Finn goes to Victoria's house on Monday, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Finn and I stay home together all day on Thursdays and Fridays. While I do work some from home on Thursday and Fridays I also do "wifely" things like go grocery shopping and cleaning. We have had to change our life style quite a bit but it has been worth it. When I thought about having a family after I graduated from law school I never would have thought that would be able to spend so much time with my kids. I am truly blessed. I say all of this with the realization that at any moment I may have to go back to work full time. I have no guaranteed income, we live month to month trusting that this is where God would have me to be. Michael has been great and has been a constant source of encouragement, even when I was afraid that I had made a huge mistake. But if I do have to go back to work I am thankful for the opportunity that God has given me to spend time with Finn while he has been little. I have basically been home with him for the first 15 months of his life and I wouldn't trade that time for the best paying job in the world.


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