Teething is the Pits!!!!

Poor, poor Finn. Last night around 10:30 I went to check on Finn before bed as I always do, I opened the door and a what can only be described as an uber vomit smell radiated about the room. I assumed that it was my sour dough bread that had been left to rise in Finn (warmest room in the house) room was the culprit so I grabbed the bread, gave it a sniff and took it downstairs to bake. About 15 minutes later I went back in and noticed the same smell, I quietly walked over to Finn's bed and gently put dabbed my fingertips around on this sheets. I won't go into detail, but I have never seen so much vomit in my entire life. When I woke him up I almost cried. He was so pitiful. It was all over him in his hair, on his face on his jammies. I felt so sorry for him. He acted pretty scared when I woke him up so I had to hug on his for a few minutes which meant I was covered too. I gave Finn a bath and washed his hair twice.

After the bath, I put on some new clothes which Finn promptly, and as if on cue, vomited all over. We took him downstairs and gave him some pedialyte. After finishing the entire cup, he vomited all of that back up . . . on me. Note this was both mine and Finn's third set of jammies. He woke up this morning seemingly much better. Victoria said that he seemed fine but didn't have much of an appetite. This held true most of the night. However, Finn loves his Mama's sour dough bread and asked for some. He also ate two apple slices before bed.

It is neat to feed Finn now because he will actually tell you want he wants. I asked him before bed what he wanted for his snack and he looked at me and said "apples." I grabbed a few apple slices and the two of us sat on the couch on the electric blanket and watched a few minutes of the new "Alice in Wonderland" during our wind down time. He really watches this movie pretty closely, probably because it is so crazy looking.

Yesterday was MLK day so we were all home together all day. Finn and I went to the grocery store to get some cheese for the lasagna and then we went to wash the car. The day was pretty laid back, Finn played on his pillows with his dad. Finn loves playing on the big pillows.

He has also taken a liking to taking all of his clean diapers out of the packaging and putting them in the garbage . . . brilliant child.


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