You're So Vain ... I Bet You Think this Blog is About You

Tonight Finn discovered something he is fascinated with . . . himself. For some reason Finn was acting completely crazy tonight. Jumping around, banging his hands into the carpet, yelling at his Thomas. He was in a great mood - just nuts. I have a theory, tonight while at Demos with Greg, Shelley and Macey T., Finn drank almost an entire glass of Diet Coke. I gave him a few small sips as we were ordering to keep him calm until the bread came, but unbeknownst to me Finn drank 3/4 of my coke while sitting in my lap at the end of the dinner. I was holding Finn in my lap and had my drink in on hand resting on his leg. I happened to look down mid-conversation and noticed that Finn had drained my drink. I guess he was really thirsty after three (3) pieces of Demos bread.

Anyway, his caffeine high was hilarious so I pulled out the Flip and started taping. After I was finished Finn crawled up in my lap and we watched the Christmas videos. He sat so still and quiet while watching himself.

Next we watched himself with dad.
Check out that concentration.

This was Finn's reaction when we turned the camera off. Our Pediatrician told us that the height of fit throwing was 18 months; two more to go!
Can you guess what we are watching . . . Phantom; what else! This movie is "solid gold" it even broke through the caffeine high.


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