Playing with the Potty

Today was another great day for Finn in the nursery. We made the trade off without a hitch and when I came to pick him he was playing happily. When we got home we took Finn outside and let him ride his motorized lawnmower on the sidewalk. Then he got in the stroller and took a walk with me. After a mile he was zonked out so as I made a lap past the house I dropped him off. He slept for almost 2 hours. When he woke up he ate eggs for lunch. Next he went into the kitchen and started playing with his potty. I took way too many pictures, but he was just so funny trying to get in his potty.

Making room to get in.

One leg in.

Two legs in.

After letting him have his fun, Finn sat correctly on the potty.

Then Finn found the lid . . . and did this.
I promise, this potty has never been used.

After getting our fill of the potty, we all went to the mall to exchange some jeans Michael was given for Christmas. We had a really good time at the mall, but we definitely should've brought the stoller. Finn didn't want to be carried, and wasn't all that interested in holding my hand. So while dad shopped Finn ran around and knocked off sweaters and tried to touch all the ties. Fairly quickly into the game, I caught on to Finn's agenda and made him hold my hand.

As we were walking through the mall Finn stopped abruptly upon hearing the obnoxious music coming from Hollisters. He ran straight over to the store. There are a couple of chairs under a canopy at the front of the store. Michael put him in one of the chairs and Finn nodded his head and shimmied his shoulders to the beat of the music. Everyone who walked by pointed and laughed at Finn. He really put on a show. I don't know where Finn got his rhythm; his mother looks like a cat in water on the dance floor.

When we got home Finn and Dad played outside while I made a quick run to store to get milk. I also got Finn this snack catcher.


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