World's Lousiest Mom

Eating raisins

Stacking blocks: He can stack about four (4) by himself. The other day he helped me stack twenty (20). Super exciting night; no joke.

Reading my Sunday School lesson.

I also require Finn to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at the table, in his high chair. This is where dad lets Finn eat his peanut butter sandwich. Or as Finn calls it "peedy butta."

Now there's something to strive for. Well, I looked up today and realized it was Friday - where in the world has my week gone? I'll tell you where it has gone - to work. This has been the busiest week for me since starting my practice. I am thankful for the work, but I am pooped by the time I finally get to bed and night and forget to blog. I can't even possibly begin to remember all of the gross, interesting, sweet, cute and new things that Finn has done this week, especially in narrative form, so instead of sitting here all night trying I am going to hit the high points for my sake and try to do better next week.

1. Finn ate caviar for the first time, unfortunately it was bath caviar. I let Finn take a bath in the big bathtub this week and made the mistake of showing him the bath beads. The first thing he did was stick his little wet fist into the jar and pull out a ton of bath beads, and yes those bead went straight into his mouth. Little stinker. He made a terrible face leading me to believe that the bath beds were the worst thing he has ever encountered. It took me a while to wash his mouth out; he may have hated that more than the bad beads.

2. Finn loves raisins. This week raisins have been our substitute for cracker. In fact, from Sunday afternoon all the way up to Friday morning Finn did not have one cracker and what is even better he has hardly even asked for one. Finn is really funny with the raisins. He shoves them all into this mouth at the same time and then tries to chew them up and swallow the huge chunk. Finn can't eat raisins alone - I have to be sitting next to him just in case.

3. Finn has learned that if Mama won't read, he will force her to. I love to read to my child but there is only so many times I a day I can read Elmo's Playdate. Now when I stop reading if Finn still wants more. He will pick the book up with one had grab my hand with the other and physically put the book in my hand.

4. We have a Thomas the Train CD in the car. Big Mistake. That is all he wants to listen to now. He second we get in the carseat Finn is already calling out for Thomas. Its so cute to watch him shimmy in the backseat through the rear view mirror.

5. Finn loves to drink out of water fountains. The fountain at Juvenile Court was the best part of Finn's day. He also likes to put his face in his bath water and suck up the bath water. I find that very bazaar.

6. Finn has a girlfriend and her name is Macey T. Tonight we went over to Greg and Shelley's house for movie night. Finn and Macey T. played so well together. Once time I walked into Macey's room and she and Finn and sitting in the floor sharing a toy. Macey is very interested in Finn. She will follow him around try to hold his hand. She also tries to hug and kiss him. Finn does not return the affection.


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