Singing For His Supper
You may not believe it, but Finn is starting to sing and it is the cutest thing in the world. Mind you he is terrible, tone deaf and completely off beat, but cute nonetheless. I do believe that Finn will be a musical little boy. He may be teased relentlessly as a young adult, but I hope he ends up in showchoir. Lately Finn has been singing in the back seat to his Thomas CD, he has also been singing with this Glo-worm. The other day while I was hanging up Finn's clothes I saw him standing with his arms in between the rails of his crib, pressing his Glo-worm and doing his best to hum along to "this old man."

Lately Finn has shown an interest in the "Mickey Mouse March." Not the Mickey song from the new Mickey Mouse Club House show, but instead the old Mickey Mouse song. Take a look (it isn't until about 1:30 in - I couldn't upload the shortened version).
Lately Finn has shown an interest in the "Mickey Mouse March." Not the Mickey song from the new Mickey Mouse Club House show, but instead the old Mickey Mouse song. Take a look (it isn't until about 1:30 in - I couldn't upload the shortened version).
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