Best Friend Weekend

On Saturday JT came to spend the day with Finn while his entire family helped his sister Sarah move into her college dorm. The first thing we did when JT arrived was take a walk. I loaded both boys into the jogging stroller and we went for a long walk around the neighborhood. They seemed to have a great time together talking about rocks and butterflies.

Next we took the boys outside and let them swim for a while. JT is a natural waterbaby.


Finn on the other hand is a natural sunbather.

tAfter a long swim the boys had some lunch and then a long nap. JT slept downstairs on the loveseat with Michael while Finn and I took a nap in my bed.
They spent the rest of the day either watching Mickey Mouse, playing big trucks or chasing each other around.

Later on that evening, we met Chase, Lindsey, Brandon and Carissa at Olive Garden for a a nice relaxing dinner. Finn was quiet, cooperative and sweet the entire time. At some points in the night I almost forgot he was there. Every so often Finn would pat my arm, smile at me and lay his head over on my arm. He was so sweet the rest of the night. I can't remember the last time he was this sweet to me.

The next day Finn was pretty excited about going to church. He didn't cry when I dropped him off. When we picked him up we saw that they had done several activities. I picked up what I thought was Finn's bunch. When we got in the car I noticed that I accidentally picked up "Griffin M.'s" pictures. It wasn't until I looked at the "about me page" and saw that Griffin had brown hair and blue eyes that I noticed the mistake. Sorry whoever's stuff I snatched. Nevertheless, Finn learned that he has brown hair and brown eyes in Sunday School. I asked him on a whim what color his hair was and he said "brown." I then asked what color his eyes are and he said, "brown too."

Later on in the evening James and Chelsea stopped by. Finn had a really good time with Chelsea - they have bonded quite nicely. Anytime she was out of Finn's eyesight he would say, "where's Chessy?"

Then we went to Brandon and Carissa's house to hang with the girls while the boys had their Fantasy Draft at our house. Finn played with Addison's train set for a while and then came downstairs and ate cookies. On our way home Finn was snuggled in between Macey and Gabrielle's carseat (we caught a ride home with Shelley). He looked so cute.

Despite all the action going on downstairs Finn went to sleep without any problem and stayed asleep all night.

One last thing. With full knowledge that I am totally embarrassing myself, I have to tell this story. Saturday morning, while sitting on the couch with Finn, I accidentally passed wind. Finn, without missing a beat, turned to face me and said "Mama fart." I couldn't believe it. Moral of the story, never flatuate around around the Finnster.


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