The Never Ending Yak

Why is it that kids only throw up in the middle of the night????

On Monday right before Gran and Pa arrived Finn would hold his stomach, double over in pain and say "poo-poo." I absolutely panicked - I was sure Finn had a bowel obstruction and was a few short hours away from death (a little over dramatic). I immediately got online and started researching bowel obstructions; I learned that they are accompanied by vomitting. I felt a bit better because Finn didn't vomit all night.

At a little after midnight I heard Finn gag over the baby monitor. When I went into his room I saw that his bed was covered in vomit. It smelled awful! He was still asleep and laying in it. It was the grossest thing ever. I grabbed him up and put him in the bathtub. Well at that point I was absolutely freaking out and called the on call pediatrician. The pediatrician told me that if the vomit isn't green he probably had a GI track infection and not to worry.

After the bath Finn and I layed on the couch and watched Mickey Mouse. Still a bit uneasy I put Finn in the bed with us. A few hours laters later I heard Michael take Finn back to his bed. Then I heard Michael call for me over the baby monitor - once again Finn had thrown up.

Thankfully that was his last episode of the evening. Since he was sick we decided not to take him to Victoria's house. I had a meeting that I couldn't get out of so Michael stayed with Finn during the first part of the morning and then I stayed with him the second half.

Even though I took the day off, I still had two meetings to attend by phone. Finn was awake for the first one. I turned Mickey on and put Finn upstairs so that I could talk in relative peace. When I turned around to check on Finn I saw him standing straight up on the arm on the couch - laughing at me.

Finn slept from 12:30 to 3:45 so I was able to get a few things done. He seemed to feel pretty good the rest of the day.

This is a picture of Finn Tuesday morning.

Wednesday was better. He went to Victoria's and didn't seem to have any tummy trouble. He was completely preoccupied with a piece of broken skin on his foot.

Thursday morning Michael woke me up to tell me that Finn had thrown up his eggs at breakfast - great way to wake up. When I got downstairs it was plain to see that Finn wasn't feeling well so we decided to leave him at home. Finn asked to watch Harry Potter and then sat on the couch asked me to lay down with him. A few minutes later Finn asked for milk so I got up to get some. Finn got up right behind me and threw up everywhere. I was able to catch a glob full in my hands, but he just didn't stop. Within a few moments both Finn and I and 40% of the rug was covered.

After we got everything cleaned up Finn and I layed on the couch and Finn fell asleep.

The end product - we will just have to see how the rest of the day goes.


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