This has been an incredibly busy weekend for the Finnster and for his mama. On Friday Finn went to stay with his buddy JT while I went to do an emergency hearing in another county. When we got home on Friday his Gigi had come up to stay overnight with him while his mom and dad attended Midnight Train at church. Midnight Train is a really fun training session that the church does for all volunteers. We didn't get home until 11:30 so we didn't get to hand with Finn and Gigi at all. Gigi did tell me though that Finn had a grilled cheese for supper and that he did not want to go to bed.

The next morning after telling Gigi goodbye Finn and I went to Micah's birthday party at the FBC playplace. There were about 20 other kids playing in the play area so Finn was pretty clingy to me. After lunch was provided for the Kiddos Finn, JT, Victoria and I took Finn back into the play area so that Finn could play in a less crowded environment. He was pretty interested in the wimpiest slide you could possibly imagine. It was fun though to see him having so much fun on the slide - wimpy or not. You could tell from his smile that he was pretty proud of himself. Next he started climbing way up into top of the play area. Once at the top the best way down was down the slide. I put Finn in the enclosed slide and gave him a solid push. You could hear him screaming all the way down. I felt pretty bad for him - I didn't realize how scared he would be. After a little bit we were kicked out of the play area because Finn and JT had eaten and the play area people were afraid they would throw up. Finn wasn't interested at all in watching Micah open presents so instead decided to run up and down the long, long hallway. Easily the best part of the whole day.

When we got home Finn took a nice long nap. Still tired from midnight train, I decided to take one too. Later on that night Finn and I went to meet Daddy and his friend from law school Ryan at the Marina. Finn loved the restaurant because there were ducks and turtles in the water that he could look at while seated inside. We didn't stay long because we didn't want to interrupt Daddy's time. On the way out Finn looked at the ducks and then decided that he wanted to get in the water with them. Thankfully, I grabbed his arm as he stuck one little out to take a step into the water. No worries, I don't think Finn would have actually jumped in.

The next day was Finn first day in his new nursery class. He is now a Trekker in room 143. Macey was in Finn's room as well. When we went to pick him up from the nursery we were told that he did great even though his actions suggested otherwise. The minute he laid eyes on us he went into complete hysterics!

After church Finn took a nap and then we played in his pool for a while. It certainly was a busy weekend for the Begley clan - but it was a fun one.

This boy loves to eat popsicles outside.


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