Today was a big day for Finn; his first time to stay with a babysitter. At 8:00 this morning Finn woke to find Monica in the house. She came to take care of Finn today while I worked for a few hours. I warned Monica that he would probably freak out when we left but luckily he made a liar out of me. When I got back home later that day Finn and Monica were watching Mickey Mouse and sitting together on the couch. When I told Finn that we were getting in the car (to take Monica home) he made sure that Monica was coming too. He talked about Monica the rest of the day. I know he had a fun time staying home with Monica today.
After we dropped Monica off Finn took a two hour nap. When he woke up we read books and cleaned the house. At one point Finn found a Twizzler in the cabinet. He would walk right up to me, show me the Twizzler and say "Finn's.
Later on in the evening Gran and Pa came over for a quick dinner. Pa was able to make a quick trip back into town so he stopped by to play with Finn. After they left Finn helped Daddy water the plants. He quickly learned that he could squirt us with the hose pipe. When we would get near to us he would spray the hose right at us. He ended up losing control of the pipe and squirted himself in the face. He panicked and couldn't seem to turn it away from his face - it was so funny. Finn was so upset.
Also, Finn took his diaper off in his crib for the first time this morning. Michael came downstairs telling me that Finn soaked his mattress. Great start to the day! Actually, he soaked his mattress pad, and his mattress was fine - so no harm, no foul. So tonight Finn is sleeping in shorts.
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