The Return of Scar Head

This afternoon Finn went to Danny's to get his haircut. Before leaving I packed every "bribe" I could find in the bag - Veggie Tales snacks, Twizzlers, suckers, juice and an apple. Finn ate the apple in the car on the way.

Finn did really well! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes I wouldn't have believed it. Once we got him in the chair I handed him an enormous sucker. He didn't cry, but wanted me to stand close and hold his hand.

Now that his hair is really short again, you can see the scar from his surgery above both ears. I don't know if hair will ever grow over that scar.

Once we got in the car Finn asked to "eat somepin" so we split a 99 cent nacho supreme at the Taco Bell. It was the first time Finn and I have ever eaten out alone. We had a great time. Finn ate a few chips with cheese and beans and loved every minute of it. He was smiley and quiet and so sweet.

Next we went to the tire store to get my flat fixed. You'd of though Finn was in Santa's workshop. He was so excited to see all the tires. I'm sure he touched every one of them. While I was talking to the sales person I notice Finn playing with a tire but didn't notice that it was the old tire on my car. Finn was absolutely covered in black soot/dust from his hands to his elbows and of course the first he did was touch my khakis.

On our way back to the house Finn started talking about fireworks. I asked him where he saw fireworks and he responded "in the sky." Then he said "fireworks loud." Then he said "loud like Daddy's mower." Then he said "Daddy push mower." I asked him who has a riding mower and he said "Pa and Papa." Then we went on to describe how everyone in the Apedaile family has a lawmower; JT, Victoria, Lindsey, Sarah, Courtney and John. I was so tickled at Finn's train of thought. You can almost carry on a conversation with him now; that is as long as you are discussing topics that interest him.


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