Little Builder

On Friday Finn and I spent the day at home. Our day started with a rousing building session. Finn has always loved playing with his puzzles, but has found a new way to enjoy them. Now he will take each piece and stack them one on top of the other. At one point he started really fussing because he couldn't get his "Cranky the Crane" puzzle piece to stay on top. I told him to put Cranky on the bottom. And guess what, he did. Funny how he listens to me when he believes it to be to his advantage.
Here is a picture of Finn and his cats. Notice how sweet Kodiak is to Fannie Mae. Gosh these cats annoy me - but Finn seems to love them dearly.

We have now graduated to drinking from a cup - at the table only. He is doing pretty good too. This morning (Saturday) Finn and I sat down to our " Saturday Special" - waffles - and Finn told me all about his trip to the park yesterday with Daddy. I watched Finn the first part of the day and Micheal watched him the second part of the day while I was in a deposition (Michael was traveling the day before and was able to come home early). Well the two of them went to the park and apparently threw rocks into the water. Finn was so excited to tell me about the rocks. It is so weird having a conversation with him. He can pretty much understand most simple conversation and usually responds appropriately.


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