Finn's First Movie

Yesterday Gran and I took Finn to Hollywood 27 to see Winnie the Pooh. I was a little skeptical about the whole thing because I was sure Finn would show interest for about 5 minutes and then he would be "all done."

The first thing we did when we got there was get Popcorn and cokes. Then we went to find our seat in the theater. We were three of six people in a huge theater. That immediately made me feel like this might work out after all.

Finn sat in my lap and immediately went for the popcorn. After every few handfuls of popcorn Finn would take a huge sip of my coke zero. Much to my surprise Finn did great. He watched the entire movie with a look of complete awe. He didn't squirm or fuss or try to get down. He just sat, smiled, ate popcorn and talked to the TV. Halfway through the movie I had to go to the bathroom so Finn scooted over to Gran's lap. Finn thought the "big TV" was so neat. The movie was just around an hour so it was perfect. The movie was really quite cute - I really enjoyed it. I am so happy that we went - it is a great memory.

When we got home I gave Finn a bath. During his bath I told him that he was going to stay home with Mama tomorrow (Wednesday). He got this huge smile on his face, walked over to me, gave me a kiss and said "love you mommy." JT is Finn's best friend and he loves visiting with JT, however, it is so sweet how much children love staying at home with their mamas.

One more thing - Finn is beginning to pick up on my bad moods. The other day I was complaining about something in the car and Finn looked at me through the rear view mirror and said "be nice mommy." I was so embarrassed. Needless to say I gave myself an attitude adjustment.


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