Cooking Dinner

Oh, the things our children can teach us. Today when I put Finn in the carseat I asked Finn if Mama's car was fast. Finn responded, "mommy's car fast like daddy's car." Over the past couple of days Finn has been very vocal about how awesome he thinks daddy's car is. In case you forgot, Michael drives a 1996 Ford Explorer; and trust me this car has seen better days. However, Finn thinks daddy's car is the best car on the road. This got me to thinking about how thankful I am to have have Michael's car. It my not be a beauty, but it certainly gets the job done. And do we really need more than that?

Tonight after getting home from the store Finn grabbed the grocery bag and started taking the groceries out. He told me that he was going to "cook dinner." He seemed so serious about it. I asked him what he was planning to cook, but he didn't seem interested in telling me. He played with the groceries almost the entire time I was cooking.

After dinner, which Finn didn't want to eat, we went to the library to exchange one of my audiobooks. Finn played in the kid area for a little while. He emptied every puzzle in the library and then started looking for Mickey books. He was pretty upset when it was time to go. We may go back soon for story time; although he may still be too young. But I should probably start taking him before Squirt the Sequel arrives on the scene.

Finn complained about the sun being in his eyes all the way home. When we finally got home Finn was exhausted from all the screaming and sat quietly on the couch and ate pineapple tidbits - his new favorite fruit.


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