2 Years Old

Today Finn turned two! It is been a busy and stressful week preparing for the big day. For Finn's big birthday present from us we decided to give him a new room. We ordered a toddler bed and painted and put his toys in his room. The painting wasn't a problem, but we couldn't get the queen sized bed apart that served as the guest bed. In order to put Finn's room together we had to get the bed apart. Thankfully my Dad came up on Thursday and got the bed apart.

Later in the evening Michael put Finn's new bed together which was a headache in and of itself. After the bed was in we started the process of bringing everything else in - his room looks really cute.

On Friday, Nana came to spend the night with Finn and to help me get ready for the party. She also brought Finn's present and we put it together the night before; it is a really cute walk-in kitchen set.

The next morning we got up and did a few last minutes things to prepare for the party. We served breakfast again this year so we started at 9:30. We had lots of guests in attendance; Emily, Zac, Cooper and Hank; Nana and Papa; Grandad and Gigi; Gran, Mimi and Aunt Donna; Monica; Chris, Regina, Micah and Haley Beth; Victoria, Lindsey and JT; Brandon, Carissa, Addison and Ella; and Greg, Shelley, Macey T. and Gabrielle. The kids all played really well together.

First we had breakfast - the food turned out great. Then Finn opened his presents. He opened Grandad and Gigi's first. After about three presents Finn was on information overload and really tuned out. He looked at everything but didn't really sit with me and open. I think JT was more excited about Finn's birthday than Finn was.

Last Finn opened his kitchen set present from Nana and Papa and we took Finn upstairs to see his kitchen. The kids loved the kitchen. Finn, Micah and Macey cooked for a while.

Next we ate cake. Finn's cake was shaped like Thomas.

After cake everyone left and Finn sat in the floor and played until his nap. I was pretty emotional after the party. Finn was sweet playing with this trains in the floor. He would look up and me and smile and my heart hurt just a little bit. I am having a hard time believing that Finn is two already.

After his nap Finn played with this kitchen. He loves his kitchen set! He cooked me supper and then poured me coffee. He is so precious playing in his kitchen. He will take the food and put it in the microwave and then in the fridge. He will sprinkle cinnamon on everything and then give it me to eat. He is really proficient in the kitchen.

At around 7:00 we went to the shop to pick up Michael's car. While in the car Finn asked to go home. He told me that he wanted to "fix supper." Then he said "mommy, I love you." And I lost it all over again.

When we got home Finn went straight to his train track and started to play. We told him that it was time for bed and he, for the first time, did the "fake" bottom lip pucker. Where do they learn these things?

He also has started saying "yes." Finn has known "no" for a while, but Finn's way of saying "yes" has always been to repeat what I say. He is now actually responding with "yes." The way he says it is so sweet - he really emphasizes the "ssss".

Overall it was great day. Finn received a lot of really wonderful gifts. To everyone who came, thank you so much. He are very blessed to have such great friends in our lives.


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