Project Toddler Bed

On Monday we decided to allow Finn to sleep in his new room for the first time. We put the shade and the curtains up so that the light wouldn't bother him. Even though Finn loves his new room he was very apprehensive about laying down in his bed. I sat next to his bed and rubbed his forehead until he fell asleep. It only took a couple of minutes before he was out like a light. I left the room, closed the door and felt very proud of myself.

At 11:00 I heard Finn yelling for me over the baby monitor. I went into his room and saw him sitting up in his bed. I laid him back down and held his hand until he went back to sleep. After I felt confident that he was asleep I went into the TV and fell asleep on the mattress. (We have the guest bedroom mattress in the middle of the TV room floor for the time being. ) Fifteen minutes later Finn was up again. This pattern went on until about 1:30 in the morning. When I finally got back into bed I was hopeful that I would be able to get some sleep. Then I heard the door open and a swishing sound. Finn had pulled both blankets off of his bed and walking down the hall with them. He spotted me on the mattress and jumped into bed with me. I was too tired to fight with him so I let him stay. He snuggled as close to me as he possibly could. It was so sweet, but I don't want to start any bad habits.

Needless to say "Night 1" was a disaster. "Night 2" wasn't much better. Finn only slept about an hour before the endless waking up started. Again at about 1:00 a.m. I threw in the towel and let him sleep on the mattress with me.

When we got up the next morning I asked Finn where he slept last night and he said "in big boy bed." He doesn't seem scared of his bed, in fact he is really excited every time he gets in it, but he doesn't have the discipline to stay in. He is so sweet at bedtime. He will ask me to hold his hand. Once I hold his hand he falls right to sleep. It only takes a few minutes for him to fall asleep at night.

"Night 3" was better. He slept in his bed until at least after midnight. When I woke up in the morning I discovered that Finn was next to me. I also saw both of Finn's blankets, his horse pillow and his stuffed Thomas in the bed with us. So at some point he crawled out of his bed, grabbed all of his stuff, and crawled into mine all without my knowing. Pretty svelte.

Thursday was Finn's first time to nap in his new bed. I was dreading this, but he actually did really well. He slept about an hour and half solid. I am hoping this is a good sign. If by the end of the week he is still not sleeping through the night we will be putting a baby gate up.


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