Labor Day
This morning Finn and I got up at 7:00 and played for a few hours. At about 9:00 Finn turned to me and asked "daddy golfing?" I told him no. Then he said "Daddy at work?" I told him that Daddy was upstairs. Finn immediately said "go see him." So I took Finn upstairs to wake Daddy up. I have never seen him so excited to see Michael - he absolutely freaked out.
After Michael was up we went for a Labor Day breakfast at the Begley's house. Finn ate three silver dollar pancakes, eggs, strawberries and cool whip. I haven't seen him eat that much at one time in a while. After breakfast Gran and Pa took Finn to Toy-R-Us to do some birthday shopping before Pa left town.
Finn made it back home at around 5:00 - just in time to get a bath and go over the Addison's for dinner. (Brandon and Carissa had invited us for dinner). Finn spent most of the night playing with Addison's Thomas train set.
Lately Finn has decided that he doesn't want to stay in timeout anymore. This is Michael making sure that Finn doesn't move.
Starting to figure out that he is stuck. . .
Finn, Glad to hear about your perfect little head and your new brother on the way! Sorry to hear about your time-out!! I love picture #2, Michael and Finn look exactly the same. Love you all, Laura