
Today at 4:45 I picked Finn from JT's house. It has been since Friday at 1:30 since I had seen him last. As I walking up the front porch I heard the sweetest voice yell with enthusiasm "MOMMY." When I opened the front door Finn gave me the biggest, longest hug he had ever given. I was so overcome with happiness to see him. After he hugged me, he looked at me and hugged me again. It was sweet.

As I was putting him the car he gave me another hug. I kinda think that he missed me. On the way home Finn told me all about his adventures. He told me that had a picnic with Nana and that he ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, apples, chips and milk. He also mentioned that there was bug (mom had told me that there was a bee flying around). Finn told me that he petted cows and he saw the lawnmower. When I asked him about the nursery he responded "it'll be okay."

Once home Finn gave big hugs to dad and the two of them played trains while I prepared dinner. After dinner we all went outside. Finn played with his sidewalk chalk and the rode on Michael's shoulders. He also played with water balloons for the first time.

Tonight was also Finn's first night to sleep in his new room and new bed. He did not want to go in the new bed. I sat next to him and held his hand and rubbed his head until he fell asleep. In all I probably sat with him 15 minutes. I swore that I would not sit with him - I wanted him to learn to fall asleep without me next to him. However, 30 seconds into the process I caved. My hope is that he won't dread going to bed tomorrow since I made it all okay.

After Finn fell asleep I quietly ducked out of the room and closed the door. We are now waiting to see how many times he wakes up tonight.


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