The Aftermath

Well today was tough. Michael and I both overslept but we were able to get to church on-time at 8:30. Finn walked straight into the nursery and didn't look back.

After church we came home and Finn opened his presents from me and Michael. We didn't give them to him yesterday because he was too preoccupied with everything else. He did a little bit better today. We gave Finn a "Victor" train and "Dash" train. Finn was pretty excited and immediately put them on his train track. Finn got this track last Christmas, but we put it away until Finn was old enough. Well he is old enough now and literally sits and plays with the track for hours. We also got him a "Thomas" coloring book, sidewalk chalk, a sound block puzzle and a Thomas play book with tiny characters. The book was a big hit.

After opening his presents Finn played with them for a while and then we went to the store. Then we went to Gran's house for a few minutes. Micheal and James changed the break pads on Michael's car over there. Finn played "EIO" which means farm animals and then ate strawberries and oreos on the patio.

After the car was fixed Finn went home to take a nap. After he woke up he asked to play with his kitchen. He loves the kitchen. He moves from one thing to the next over and over again. It so interesting that kids Finn's age know exactly what to do in the kitchen. The only thing he hasn't quite mastered is the microwave. He calls it the microphone. He loves to make, stir and pour coffee.

I ended up taking a long nap this afternoon so I don't know exactly what went on, but I heard that Michael and Finn went outside and played with the sidewalk chalk.

Right now Finn is eating yogurt and watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.


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