Finn's new brother

On Friday Finn, Michael and I went to find out about the new baby. Since we were going to Tullahoma immediately after the appointment Finn had no choice but to go with us. The appointment went really well. The baby looks very healthy, and it looks like Finn is going to have a little brother. I am really excited - I always new that I was made to be a mother to boys. I am also very excited for Finn who will have a great time with his brother. Finn also had a great time at the ultrasound. He would point to the monitor and say "mama's baby." At one point he stood on a stool next to me and just looked - it was a sweet moment.

Next we went to Tullahoma to spend the night with Grandad and Gigj. MJ, Coop, Hank and Lauren were there as well. Hank was so good the whole time. During our night at Grandad and Gigi's we had tacos and then we visited Gene and Minnie. While we were there Finn took a spill off of an exercise ball and bumped his head. He tried so hard not to cry - but alas he succumbed to the pain.

Finn and Hank both slept in the room with Grandad and Gigi; Hank in the crib and Finn in a pallet next to grandad. They both slept really well. The next morning the boys played in the floor and then took naps until lunch. After lunch we all packed up and headed home. It was a really fun weekend.


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