Today on the way to JT's house Finn pointed out the fact that he had a new scrape on this knee. I asked him how he got the boo-boo and he told me that he got the boo-boo at Nana and Papa's house and specifically he got it while mowing with Papa. Well, I know this to be a complete lie. I can't believe that he is already able to make up stories. I know that he is pulling from past experiences, but he is still pretty clever to remember.
Later on in the evening I spent sometime cleaning my office and room. While cleaning I turned on the Pandora radio station to the Hans Zimmer channel. Finn was absolutely mesmerized by the big, loud soundtrack music - specifically "Dead Man's Chest" soundtrack. When the music would get quiet Finn would say "more songs." Then when the music crescendoed again his eye would get big as quarters and he would smile at get really excited. A boy after my own heart.
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