Finn's New Backpack

Finn has a new favorite thing - this James the Train backpack. He uses this backpack as a place to store is most precious toys when he goes away from home. Before leaving the house I tell Finn that he can put two (2) toys in his backpack. He will start with two (2) but when I am not looking and sometimes when I am he will stuff every toys that he possibly can in the bag. When Finn is not looking I will take them out.

Before we leave the house I will hand Finn his backpack and he will carry it to the car. Last week Finn took it to JT's for the first time. JT was pretty excited to see it.

On Thursday Finn and I made a trip to Toddler Town to visit two (2) of my younger clients. Since we were going to a daycare anyway I thought it would be okay to bring Finn. Finn, of course, asked to take "james bag." When we got there I put the backpack on Finn's shoulders and he walked into the daycare. He was greeted by about ten (10) very friendly toddlers all very excited to see Finn's backpack. It was like vultures on road kill. This did not sit well with Finn so he hung pretty close to my thigh the entire time.

Thank you Chelsea for the James backpack. I love watching Finn wear it - he looks so cute.


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