Buddy Walk 2013

This morning Finn woke up with a terrible, chest rattling cough.  I asked him, "Finn, do you have snot in your throat?"  He confirmed that he did. For the rest of the day he complained to anyone that would listen that he had boogers in his mouth.  This is how rumors get started.  He is champ though at coughing it up.  On more than on occasion Finn handed me quarter sized balls of green snot. 

Today was the 2013 Buddy Walk.  The Boys and I left the house this morning a little after 9:00.  On our way Finn asked me, "when is God going to make me another baby?"  I told him that I didn't know.  He then told me that he wanted God to make him four babies.  I asked what we would name these babies and he said, "well, we'd name one baby Sam."  I reminded Finn that we already have a Sam.  Finn said, "well, we'll just have to call him baby."   After leaving our baby conversation Finn told me his age.  We then started talking about my age.  I joked with Finn that I was really old.  Finn looked scared.  I told him that I was much older than him but that I was going to be around for a long time.  This seemed to make Finn feel better.  Then he said, "well, mom if your old, Nana must be really old."  Sorry mom.

Before going to Centennial Park we made a "not so quick" stop in Mt. Juliet to bring some food for my friend who has been in the hospital.  This meant that we made it Centennial Park only ten (10) minutes before the walk was scheduled to begin.  As we pulled into the Park it started to rain.  The parking area at the park was packed! There was a Vanderbilt game that started at the same time as the Buddy Walk.  We found a stop after a few minutes and started running for toward the crowd of people.  I had Sam on one hip, the diaper bag on the other shoulder, I was carrying an umbrella to attempt to keep Sam dry and yelling over my shoulder for Finn to move or lose it.  Finn then begins to cry because I was going too fast and couldn't keep up. We arrived in designated area a few minutes before the walked scheduled to begin.  I looked out into the sea of people and my stomach fell.  I knew that I would never find my family - especially since everyone was in rain gear.  I finally spotted them and we ran to catch up.  We caught up about 50 paces from the finish line.  

After crossing the finish line we all - including Laura, Tracey and Megan went to the duck pond to feed the ducks.  Sam was so excited to see the water.  He ran as fast as he could (while on the leash) yelling, "LOOK! THE OCEAN."  Papa tore up some bread so that Sam and Finn could feed the ducks.  A few managed to come over - but the rain must have put a bit of a damper on their appetites. 

Next we looked for the car.  Again I loaded my arms up with boys and took off in the general direction of the car.  You would know that I wouldn't be able to find it.  Sam was kicking to get down, Finn was crying because I was going too fast, I couldn't see past my rain hood and my arms were on fire.  All I wanted was the car.  Luckily Papa helped us find it.  

On the way home Finn asked me for ice cream so we stopped at Sonic. He as he was eating his ice cream he told me "the ice cream is helping the boogers in my mouth come out. "  Finn also asked me when God was going to make him another baby.  Finn really wants another brother. 

When we got home I put the boys in their Buddy Walk shirts and we snuggled on the couch and watched Les Mis.  They must have been cold and tired because we sat and cuddled for a long time.

After the boy's naps they played outside until it was bath time.

Finn pouting. 

 Sam eating chalk

 After baths we had a late supper of lasagna.  No surprise, Sam loves lasagna. 

Since Sam is getting older I decided to ditch the tray and scoot him up to the table like the rest of his family.  I dumped a few cheerios in front of him to keep him busy while I was getting the rest of the food ready.  When I turn back around I see that Sam has located his tray - he put it in front and put all of his cheerios on the tray.

Sam sticking stickers to my walls.  Great!


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