Watch This Dad!

Sam is officially a little kid (no longer a baby).  Last night and all day today he has started saying "watch this dad."  Then he will do something silly and then laugh his head off.  It is so precious. 

This morning Finn crawled in bed with us around 6:00.  It was really cold this morning so Finn's little warm jammies felt nice all cuddled up with us.  We did our regular Sunday morning routine - rush around like mad until we finally got in the car.  When we got to church Finn learned that his Sunday School teacher wasn't there and that he had to go to a different class.  I can always tell when Finn is uncomfortable because he hugs me repeatedly.  This morning he hugged about six times.  After what I said was the "last hug" I led him in to his class, closed the baby gate and proceeded to walk away.  All of a sudden I hear a crash and Finn is laying on the floor on top of the gate.  In an attempt to hug me one more time he leaned too far and knocked the gate over.  About that same time he got into a coughing fit.  Finn has learned to cough into his elbow.  So my poor, sweet boy was lying on the gate, coughing violently into his elbow.  I felt so badly for him lying there.  But not badly enough to go back and help him up.  I figured that if I went back he would start to cry.

After church Aunt Chelsea came to take Finn to see a movie.  For his birthday Chelsea gave Finn a ticket for a fun filled day at the movies.  They are going to see "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2".

Finn had a great time with Aunt Chelsea - after the movie they went to Maggie Moo's for ice cream.  They got back to the house later that night and played in the playroom and outside.  Later that evening Sam bit into a glow stick and got some of the glow stuff into his eyes.  Chelsea told us that those things were fills with glass and chemicals.  We laid Sam down on the table and forced warm water into his eyes through a medicine dropper.  He was furious.


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