
Sam woke up in a rather foul mood this morning.  Nothing could make him happy but mama.  On a side note Sam has called me "mama" all day.  He never calls me mama - usually it mommy.  It sounds so sweet to hear a little boy call you mama.  Anyway, back to the point.  Sam was moody - any time I left the room Sam would cry his little eyes out.  It didn't get any better when I put Sam in the car.  As I was driving Finn to school Sam started demanding (rather rudely) milk.  I said, "Sam, how do you ask nicely?"  Sam was in no mood to compromise and he kept screaming for milk - receiving none of course.  Tired of the noxious noise in the backseat Finn decided to take matters in his own hand.  He leans over toward Sam and out of the side of his mouth whispers, "just say please."  I was watching Finn through the rear view mirror and didn't see his mouth move a centimeter.  He was determined it give Sam the right answer without my knowing.

Sam has a new favorite book - it is about a little boy named David who is always in trouble.  Sam will quote the book at random.  Today as we were pulling into the driveway I heard Sam say very sternly (out of nowhere), "Sit Down Daybid (David)!"

It was a tough day for Sambo.  I had a lot of work to do so I put Sam in the playroom while I worked in the office.  Every five (5) minutes Sam ran in saying "hug mama."  I would give him a hug and send him on his way.  After a mere thirty minutes Sam was bored with playing and decided that he wanted to help me work.  Needless to say I didn't get too much done during the early hours of the day. 

After Sam got up from his nap we went to pick up Finn.  His teachers gave me his school day pictures.  I don't want to sound like one of "those moms" but I just have to say that this is best school day picture I have ever seen. He looks so much older that 4.

I also learned that Finn had smuggled in and possibly distributed several "Second Skin Tattoo" business cards.  In exchange for legal work, the girl who does my tattoos gave me a few free ones.  Last week I left her salon with several of her cards to hand out the girls in my Sunday School class.  Finn apparently found them this morning and took a stack of them to school.  Finn goes to a very conservative Baptist preschool.  Now his teachers know that Finn's mom is a skank.

After supper Finn, Sam and I played upstairs.  Finn wanted to play with his briefcase.  He has a small box (that holds books) that has a handle.  Finn calls this his briefcase.  He told me that he needed a file (like my files).  So I grabbed a new file folder, a label and some old legal papers and made Finn a file.  Then we pretended to play work.  While Finn was pretending to work he told me and Sam to sit in the floor and play.  This started to sound familiar to me.  Finn then said, "now, it is still a workday for Finn."  That sealed it - Finn was pretending to be me. I often say after I pick Finn up from school, "Finn, it is still a work day for mom - you play okay."   It was all very "Cats in the Cradle."  Finn will make an excellent lawyer though.  After he was finished playing "work" he made Sam and me help him clean up.  Finn has me down to a tee.

Next we played beach.  Finn spread out his big blue Ninja Turtle blanket - it was the ocean.  Sam saw the faces of the turtles and started screaming "WeNardo" (Leonardo). Sam thinks every turtle is Leonardo. After playing beach we spent a few minutes playing farm.  This week was farm week at Finn's school.  All the students were asked to bring something "farmy" to show and tell. Finn brought a little tractor.  We practiced Finn's spiel all through breakfast and then again in the car - Finn kept asking me - "what does a tractor do."  I think that Finn told his class that a tractor plants corn. Exactly what we practiced. 


  1. It is just fine to be "that Mom" when the picture is that good!! Great picture, handsome boy!


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