Sunday was great day because it felt like Fall.  Both the boys wore long pants to church. They were also in great moods most of the day. 

I love when Sam really smiles!

After picking the boys up from Sunday School we went home and ate pizza.  Both of my kids love pizza.  Finn's appreciation for pizza has grown significantly since discovering ninja turtles.  In fact, he felt so strongly about turtles and pizza that he ate while wearing his "bo staff" (as Finn calls it).

What's in your wallet?  I couldn't resist.  

Sam ended up taking a lousy nap so we (Sam and I) went to the store.  Michael and Finn went to Academy Sports and somehow or the other ended up at Toys-R-Us where Finn played with a "Despicable Me" fart gun.  They came home with a "Snake Weed."  Finn was so excited.  Michael made him earn it though.  Finn spent the rest of the evening helping me clean the house.  He did a great job. 

Before bed he sorted his toys into "good guys" and "bad guys."

On Monday, Gigi came to keep Sam while I worked.  Finn had a bit of a hard time reasoning through why Sam got to stay home with Gigi and he had to go to school.  I braced myself for a fit - but he accepted his school day with grace.  Gigi and Sam spent much of the day in town.  Once everyone was home, Gigi fixed dinner. 


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