Nose Spray

Lately Gran has been noticing that Finn has great, big, bloody, boogers (say three times fast).  I decided to try some nose spray.  I really figured that Finn wouldn't dare use it - but as it turns out he not only used it he really enjoyed it.

The next morning on the way to school Finn asked me if he could give Brady (his friend at school) some nose spray.  I told him that he couldn't.  I dropped him off and didn't think anything else about our conversation.  When I picked him up from school that I afternoon I got in his backpack to look for his work folder.  I find a sword, a package of Ramen noodles and nose spray.  Looks like somebody was trying to sneak contraband into school.

I worked half a day on Friday.  At lunchtime Gran and Mimi brought Sam and Sonic over.  After a good nap Sam was ready to play.  Sam plays really well by himself.  While I was downstairs cleaning Sam was upstairs reading.  I saw him reading to himself sitting in the beanbag chair.  He turned around before I could take a picture.

 Later on in the evening we met Gran and Aunt Chelsea for supper at Casa Vieja.  We had a nice corner eat on the patio.  The boys were noisy and messy - but since we were outside it didn't sound quite as bad.  After supper the boys went to spend the night with Gran.


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