Dad's 58th

Friday was Dad's 58th birthday. I picked Finn up from school and we made the long trip to Tullahoma. The trip was made even longer due to the traffic being rerouted on 109. I was on the phone with my friend Samanatha when Finn told me he needed to use the bathroom. We were five miles from the nearest bathroom and in traffic going approximately two miles her hour. I thought this might be a good time to introduce Finn to the perks of being a boy. He was excited by the prospect but said "mom how are you going wipe me?" Great!  I told Finn to dig deep and just give me a few more minutes.  To take his mind off of his bowels asked him about his friends at school. I asked who was the most fun girl to play with. Finn responds,"mom I am NOT marrying a girl. I am marrying a boy because I only have boyfriends." When pressed further Finn tells me that girls get on his nerve. I decided to have the marriage talk at another time and instead thought it was a good time to remind Finn about his bowels. We made to Sonic just in time.  I grabbed Sam and Finn and made my way into the dirtiest bathroom you could imagine. Due to the dire situation I didn't, have time to put shoes on Sam ( Sam refuses to leave his shoes on). 

Due to traffic and bathroom breaks it took us over two hours to get to Dad's house. Sam was getting restless and irritable. Every time I would open my mouth to sing ( which is quite often) Sam would yell "NO SING MAMA."

When we finally made it to Dad's house we were welcomed with pizza. The boys ate for a little bit and then went straight about the business of playing. Lauren showed up a little later followed by GiGi would was at the ball game. Finn ended up sleeping with me. At 2:00 in the morning he got into a coughing fit. We were up for a couple of hours with the cough.  After getting the cough under control Finn started kicking me. I could wait for 6:00 a.m. so that I could send Finn out. Like Clockwork Finn was gone ay 6:00. He was back at 7:00 to show me his new Ninja Turtle dad guy.  I assumed Finn had been snooping and found it in a closet. I scolded Finn and demanded that he take it right back where he found it. (He had found another one last night on the dining room take and assumed it was his - which it was - he just hadn't officially been given it yet. ) a very heartbroken Finn lowered his head and began to sob. So much for sleep. He explained too me that Grandad and Gigi gave it to him. For the second time that morning I felt like a mean old mom. The fist being of course when I told Finn that if he didn't stop coughing I was going to go sleep on the couch and leave him in that big bed by himself. 

We had eggs and country ham for breakfast. Sam loved country ham.  After breakfast the boys played on the deck with the bubble machine. Em and her boys there a little whirl later and we all are lunch. For dessert we had birthday cake- carrot cake for the adults and ninja turtle cake for the kids. 

After lunch Finn put on his warmest clothes and went 4 wheeling with Mr. Gene. Next they played on the swing. Happy Birthday Dad - we love you. 


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