
On Thursday when I picked Finn up from school I was informed by his teachers that the fingernail on his middle finger was about to fall off.  Finn wasn't complaining about it so I didn't really think anything else about it until I went to pick him on Friday.  When I pulled in all the kids were playing on the play ground.  Finn spotted me and came running my direction.  As he was running I noticed that he was holding up the fingernail that was about to fall off.  Without knowning Finn gave everyone in the immediate vicinity a "hard" bird.  I couldn't help but laugh as he held that middle finger up for the world to see. Thank goodness for innocence.   When we got in the car I asked Finn if I could cut the fingernail off.  He started screaming and crying "please don't cut my finger off."  Finn's tears started to rub off on Sam who up until that point was in an excellent mood.  Sam looked horrified for Finn and then started "fake crying."  

My morning with Sam was really nice.  I didn't have a lot of work to do but it was apparently too much for Sam. He came running into my office, wrapped his arms around me and said, "no work mama."  I finished what I could with Sam in my lap and then we went downstairs to cuddle.  Sam had specifically asked me to cuddle - he hugged my legs and said, "cuddle mama."  So we sat on the couch and read the school bus book that Finn had picked out for him at the library the day before.  Sam loves that book.  

Once we got home from school I sat Finn down at the table and cut that fingernail off.  Finn told me that it hurt pretty bad and that he was just going to have to lay on the couch all day to make it feel better.  He concluded his treatment plan with - I am going to have to lay on the couch and watch TV even after you and daddy go to bed.  

After supper I decided to go to he store.  For some reason both boys wanted to go with me.  Sam sat in the front; Finn in the back.  Sam screamed for a pepper for half of the trip while Finn sat in the back and ate half a bag of grapes.  

About the time we got home I contracted an obnoxious case of the hiccups.  Finn, hearing my hiccips, sat down next to me on the couch and said ever so sweetly, "do you have the hiccips honey?"  Next Finn and I made made some rice krispy treats for a work friend that has been in the hospital.   Before bed Sam again came up to me, hugged my thighs and said, "cuddle mama."  It has been a really nice day with my boys. 


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