
Over the past six months I haven't had a whole lot of super nice things to say about Sam.  Don't misunderstand, I love Sam - but Sam can be a very trying little boy.  He is moody and loud and has a mini breakdown every night from 6:00 to 7:00.  He pitches the worst fits you can imagine and he is not a great listener. Sometimes I get so caught up with how difficult Sam can be that I neglect to documents how wonderful he can be. 

Sam is a very sweet little boy.  He feels everything 100% - this includes love.  He is so excited when I come into his room to wake him up in the mornings.  He opens those sleepy little eyes and smiles at me from his crib.  Then he wraps his arms around me and says "MOMMY!"

Sam is also a hugger.  On a regular basis he runs up to me arms wide open and says "hug."  Tonight he got into a hugging mood in the parking lot at Staples.  He put both arms around my neck, laid his head on my shoulder and said, "cuddle."  He is also a kisser.  He kisses me at least 20 times per day. 

 Last night Sam and I spent some time putting puzzles together.  Then he decided that he wanted to read.  We snuggled on the couch and read together for about an hour.  We read all of Sam's favorite books and then he wanted to read "You Are My I Love You."  After reading this a couple of times I told Sam that I loved him and he told me, "I love you."  It was quite sweet.

This morning as Michael was carrying Sam to the car I yelled out "I love you Sam." He excitedly yelled back, "I love you mommy." 
 Sam calls all small, sweet fruit "strawbees." 
Michael and I agree that while Sam can be a exhausting  - he has a smile that is impossible to resist.


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