Trick -r- Treat
I would venture to guess that about 60% of the my blog concerns all the mischief Finn makes or the fits he throws. I am afraid that if Finn ever reads the blog he will think that I never talked about anything good he does. So, before blogging about the day I am going to take a moment to give Finn props for his sleeping habits. Finn is great night time sleeper (at least when he is in his own bed). I put him in bed awake every night and he goes to sleep without crying. I know that lots of babies do this, but Finn wasn't one of them until just recently. While Finn is a great nighttime sleeper he is still a pretty lousy napper. However today Finn took a 2 and 1/2 hour nap and yesterday he took a 2 hour nap. What makes these naps impressive is the fact that he took them in his crib. Good job sweetie! This morning Finn slept until 7:00 and then slept another hour in the bed with us. So I was able to sleep until 8:00! After church Finn had a taste of his fir...