Clang, Clang, Clang went the Trolley

Today was jam packed. First I dropped Finn off at Gran's at 7:15 so that I could get to court. I met Gran and Finn at 8:45 at Kroger to pick him up. Finn and I finished our shopping for the week and then we went home. Next Finn helped me send out demand letters and then I forced him to take a nap. After learning that Dad was almost home I took Finn out in the front yard to wait on him. Finn quickly discovered that the garage door was open and rushed over to play with the lawn mower. Finn loves the lawn mower; every time he sees it it will say "ma mo" which actually sounds a lot like ma-ma. I normally don't let him play with it because he get so dirty, but I caved today. This is the view that Michael had upon pulling into the driveway.

These next pictures are of Finn making his lawn mower noise.

Finn desperately tried to pull the mower out of the corner, but ended up needing a little help from dad.
Dad, being way more fun that mom, got the mower out and started it up for Finn. I thought that the motor would scare Finn, but he just sat on the hood of the car and made his motor noise right along with it. Check out those filthy feet.

Next Finn and I went to wash and vacuum the car. Finn paid much more attention to the car wash this go around. He didn't act scared, but those eyes were as big as ping pong balls.

Next we drove to Nashville to have dinner at the Spaghetti Factory with Grandad, GiGi, Aunt Lauren, Uncle Zac and Aunt Em for Lauren's birthday dinner.
Finn drank tea, ate spaghetti, and had some spalonga.

After dinner Finn decided that he wanted to walk around. The Spaghetti Factory is huge and Finn had a ton of walking space. Aunt Em was able to see Finn walk for the first time. Here we see Finn hanging out in the lobby with Uncle Zac.
Finn also took a turn on the trolley. Every time I see a trolley I can't help but think of "Meet Me in St. Louis" - thus the title of my post. I am going to have to borrow that tape from Nana because I have a feeling that Finn will like it given his pull toward musical theater.

After dinner we took a stroll down 2nd Avenue. The minute Finn heard the motor of the bus, he took off. Dad and Grandad had to run him down.
The bus was just waiting to pick up sightseers, so the tour guide let Finn get on for a few minutes.

Here we can (barely) see Finn looking out the window.

Group photo.
At first the Finnster didn't want to hang out with Aunt Em, but after a while he warmed up to her quite nicely.

It was wonderful dinner and a really fun night. Happy Birthday Lauren!

On the way back to Hendersonville we got a call from Brandon and Carissa. They told us that our community was having a movie night out on the lawn. Centex brought in a huge screen and projector and played Shrek. They served barbecue, popcorn and cotton candy. It was so neat and so much fun.
This is a picture of Finn watching Shrek. Specifically, this is his response to the dragon. I have never seen him more excited about anything. Finn had a great time. First, because we were outside and second, because Shrek is full of good music to dance too.
This is a picture of Addison responding to the flash. Sorry Bud.
It was really chilly out so Finn stayed pretty close to us. However, near the end he got a little restless and started to wander off. At one point he crawled over to another family, grabbed their Dixie cup and poured it right out. I don't think anyone noticed but with that we decided to call it a night.
On the way home Michael let Finn drive.

Once we got home Finn was pretty keyed up and took several laps around the den/kitchen. Note that he is still wearing his hood. He let us put it on him since it was so cold outside.
I couldn't resist taking a few pictures of him with his hood on.

Finn fell asleep around 9:30 while we watched Iron Man 2.


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