Halloween at the Zoo
This morning Finn helped me prepare for my hearing. I am not at all being facetious; he helped me by sleeping quietly for an hour and half. I put him in his crib, but he woke up after 20 minutes. Desperate for a few minutes of uninterrupted prep time I put him in my bed and laid down with him. He snuggled right up next to me almost face to face and just watched me. He wasn't crying or fussy, he just watched me. Unfortunately, I ended up drifting off. When I woke up about 10 minutes later Finn was still laying there watching me with those big eyes. I think he thought it was amusing that I fell asleep and he didn't because he grinned just a little. You may be expecting me to say that it was so sweet and precious - and it was. However, it startled me just a little bit. No one likes to have anything that close to their face when they are sleeping. When I woke up all I saw were these great big alien eyes drilling a hole right through me. Finn has beautiful eyes, but when they are centimeters from your face and wide open they can look quite "other worldly."
After Finn drifted off I carefully got off the bed and went about my business of the day. He looked so sweet sleeping in our bed. He hasn't slept in that position in months. Usually he sleeps with his face straight down in the mattress and his hind-end in the air.
The face of one just realizing that he has been "hoodwinked." Game, set, match - Mama! There is more than one way to skin a cat.
After Finn's nap I started getting him ready for his big day at the Zoo with Gran and the boys. Finn was more interested in playing with the remote.
He knows exactly how to use the remote now. Just point it at the TV and wreak all sorts of havoc. We have four remotes in our living room. Only two of them actually make the screen do anything different (the other two work, but in Finn's opinion do nothing worth while). Finn has figured out which two do the most damage and only plays with those.
After getting his pants on Finn found the lint roller.
This picture may look like Finn is holding on to the lint roller, but he isn't. The lint roller is actually stuck to his hand and he is flailing his arms about trying to get it off.
Next, we put on the hoodie. Gran bought this outfit for Finn yesterday to were to Halloween at the Zoo.
Just a few pictures to add to Finn's portfolio. He is trying to get a gig as a hoodie model.

Gran came to pick Finn up at 12:30 and I went to court. Finn had a way more fun day than I did. First he went to Joseph, Turner and Walker's house (hereinafter referred to as "the boys"). Finn loves visiting the boys because they love to play with trucks. I like to play with Finn but to say that I love to play with trucks in an overstatement. The boys on the other hand will sit and play trucks with Finn all day and love every minute of it. Finn also sat on the dirt bikes.
Next they went to the Zoo. Everything I post from this point forward is all hearsay.

Finn's main mode of transportation.
Here is Finn at the Meerkats Lair. From what I hear he liked the Meerkats.
The fish were by far the highlight of the animal kingdom, even though technically they are not animals.

Finn and the giant troll.
Finn "trick'r treating." Is it me, or did that lady just hand Finn a packet of sweet and sour sauce? After a few stops Finn figured out that when you go up to a "trick'r treat" booth you are suppose to hold your hand up and someone will give you something. He because quite proficient.
As you can see in this picture, Finn snagged a sucker. I heard all about the sucker before Finn got home. You see, Finn ran into Aunt Em, Uncle Zac and Coop at the Zoo - how neat!! Em told me that when she saw Finn he was sucking on a sucker. He apparently had it all over him. Gran told me that when she unwrapped the sucker Finn stuck it directly into his mouth and he didn't make another sound for thirty minutes.
To end the night everyone went on a hayride. Of course Finn loved that - any excuse to get on a piece of farm equipment.
Finn had a fun time at the Zoo. He always in enjoys hangin' with the boys and the boys love him too. "Finn is our favorite baby!" Direct quote.
Next they went to the Zoo. Everything I post from this point forward is all hearsay.
Finn had a fun time at the Zoo. He always in enjoys hangin' with the boys and the boys love him too. "Finn is our favorite baby!" Direct quote.
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