Farmer's Market

Right now Finn is walking around the den with his pants pulled up under his armpits and his and his shirt tucked in. He looks hilarious. But at least he won't trip on his jammies. Also, Finn just brought me his "Brown Bear" book. He laid it next to me and said "Brown Bear." He, of course, didn't say if perfectly, but you can definitely tell what he said. He is such a big boy!

Last night Finn coughed for about two hours. In order to allow Michael to get some sleep I took the monitor downstairs and slept on the couch. When Finn woke up this morning I turned on PBS and we watched "Martha Speaks" while all snuggled up under the blankets. Even though it was 6:30 it was still dark outside. It was pretty chilly in the house so Finn sat really close to me; it was really sweet.

A few minutes later Finn starting asking for breakfast. He can say both "oatmeal" and "breakfast." Oatmeal sound more like "O-Mel' and and breakfast is "bre." I let him off the couch the two of us started to walk into the kitchen. On our way Finn noticed that the tray to his booster seat was in the den floor. He stopped, turned around, went and picked up the tray and set it next to the booster. I was pretty impressed.

Next Finn went downtown with me to deliver some medical records to Dan. Dan works on the 27th floor of the Renaissance Hotel. We took the express elevator all the way up. Right as we took off Finn looked at me with his excited face and laughed all the way to the 27th floor. He did the same thing all the way down.

On our way back home we stopped to see Dad for a few minutes. When we got home Finn took the "s" key off the laptop. It took me forever to put it back on.

Then Gran and Pa came by and we went to the "Farmer's Market" to buy Finn a pumpkin. Finn had a great time at the Farmer's Market.

He sample many of the vegetables (we purchased the ones he bit into). Finn's favorite thing was the basket of squash. The lady selling the squash was really nice and let Finn play with anything we wanted. He also peeled an apple and gave it to Finn.
The only problem that we had at the Farmer's market was Finn kept getting distracted by all the trucks. Once he saw the trucks he pretty much lost all interest in the produce.

We were able to get him to look at the gourds for a while. We also got a few family pictures.

Next Finn picked out a pumpkin. This is not the pumpkin I picked for Finn.
Finn liked this particular pumpkin because he thought it might be fun to lick the paint off.

It was a really day.

Tonight I filled the bathtub completely up to the brim. Finn thought it was pretty fun.


  1. Erin, I love the picture of you and Finn, you can just feel the joy! I also love the close-up of Finn and Michael it so sweet. Love you, Laura


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