Busted Lip

This morning Finn busted his lip for the first time. I heard a slap on the kitchen tiles and then a blood curdling scream. Michael grabbed Finn and tried to comfort him. When I walked over I saw blood in his mouth. I panicked just a little, afraid that he had lost a tooth. Thankfully I was able to see a nice sized cut on the inside of his lip. I took him from Michael and held him. He put his little face in my shoulder and had good cry. When he lifted his face up I had a big blob of blood on my shoulder. Next I got the unpleasant task of cleaning out his mouth. I think that cleaning up was worse that the fall itself. Finn was so mad at me. He didn't want anything to do with me the rest of the morning. Interestingly enough he suddenly wanted to hang out with me when I dropped him off at the nursery.

During Sunday School today the girls in mine and Victoria's SS class performed in front of the entire middle school student ministry (about 200 students). They lip sink'd to "Heard It Through the Grape Vine" by CCR. They were dressed as the California Raisins and did a great job. We didn't win, but I am proud of them anyway. It takes a lot of guts to get up in front of 200 students and dance to a song from the 70's wearing trash bags filled with balloons, but in true fashion those girlies knocked it out of the park! Way to go Monica, Annabelle, Shelby and Kristina.

After we got home Finn ate some lunch and then took a long nap. After his nap Finn sat in the den floor and ate an entire banana while he watched "Thomas the Train."

Later on in the night Finn was really fussy - we couldn't figure out anyway to console him. Finally I just grabbed his hand and let him lead me to what he wanted. He walked straight to the back door. The second I opened the door he rushed to go outside and didn't fuss the rest of the night. Once outside Finn helped Dad water the plants.

Then we walked across the street to see the Ghosts hanging in our neighbors tree. Then Finn stumbled upon a tombstone in our back yard - spooky! Look how scared he looks.

For dinner Finn had taco soup. I didn't really think he would like it because it is pretty spicy, but he basically climbed all over me after more soup. For desert Finn decided that he wanted peanut butter. He got in the cabinet, grabbed the peanut butter and brought to me. Next it was bath time. Finn has started a rather annoying pattern of relieving himself in the bathtub. Yuck.
If there was ever any doubt that Finn is my child this picture settles it.

After his bath Finn played some basketball.

Then he played with his "blowy thing." Yes, that is the technical term.


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