Happy Birthday Grandad

This morning Finn ate breakfast in front of the television. At our house Finn eats all meals at the kitchen table. At Grandad's house he also eats at the kitchen table, but gets to watch TV too. This morning he ate eggs and watched "Super Why."
While we were getting ready for church Finn hung out in Grandad and Gigi's room.

Next we all went to church. After the singing was over Finn decided that he wanted to chat. Grandad ended up taking him out to the parking lot where the two of them kicked tires for thirty minutes.

After church Gene and Minnie came over and we had Dad's birthday dinner which consisted of turkey, corn, green beans and mashed potatoes. Notice, no dressing. Grandad asked for dressing and Gigi said she would make it if Finn would say Gigi. Dad managed to get Finn to say Gigi, but alas it was too late. Thus, no dressing. For desert we had carrot cake.

After lunch we took a few pictures on the deck.

As we were about to leave for the day Finn noticed the Miata. It is just about his size.

This is Finn looking at the cute baby in the side mirror.

Zoom Zoom!


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