Cracker Barrel

Today the doorbell rang at 7:30. I was bit perplexed because I wasn't expecting anyone and I was still in my PJs. When we opened the door we saw Gran. I immediately realized that Michael had made a bit of mistake. We had asked Deniece if she could keep Finn for an hour tomorrow while I was at a motion hearing. Well apparently Michael told Deniece that the motion hearing was today. Deniece and I had a little chuckle at Michael's expense and then decided to make a morning of it by going to breakfast at the Cracker Barrel.

This was Finn's first "real" trip to Cracker Barrel (Dad doesn't like Cracker Barrel very much). I say Finn's first real trip because he actually ate something. The first time Finn was at Cracker Barrel he was three (3) weeks old and was way too busy flirting with Macey T. to eat anything.

The first thing Finn did when we sat down was to grab the goft-T game. We had to take that away immediately. He then decided to color.

Breakfast is easily Finn's favorite meal of the day and he always eats a ton. Today he had eggs, oatmeal, a blueberry muffin and biscuit and gravy.
After making a huge mess (Finn ate oatmeal with this hands), Finn decided that it was time to eat like a gentleman and grabbed his spoon. Three (3) spoons later (two were dropped on the floor) Finn started to feed himself.
Clearly he got confused.
Here we go. Not bad for a first timer.

When we got home Finn decided that he wanted to ride on his dump truck. Mind you, the dump truck is not a "ride on" toy. Not to be discouraged by what Finn saw as a "design flaw," Finn improvised. He pulled the "dump" part of the dump truck up and plopped right down. The seat wasn't really all that comfortable, but you gotta hand it to him. He is quite the little problem solver. Finn is following the wise words of Apollo Creed, "Remember kids, be a thinker, not a stinker."
Finn also looked at pictures of his cousin Cooper today. He was very interested in Cooper. Every time the picture would change I would say "Cooper." Finn would point and get this huge smile on his face. Twice he actually tried to say Cooper, but it came out as Oooofer.

Here we have pictures of Finn eating an apple. We found that we have to be really careful with apples. Finn like apples, probably because he enjoys saying apple, but they really are a choking hazard. In addition to an apple slice, Finn had his first peanut butter sandwich. I would take small pieces of bread, but a tiny bit of peanut butter on the bread and put it on Finn's tray. He happily ate all of it.
When Michael got home I went to the ENT. While I was gone Finn whacked his head on the ground. As Michael tells it Finn had one foot in each hand, lost his balance and fell over backwards. When Michael got to him Finn still was holding his feet, he mouth was wide open and all Michael could see was apple. It sounded hilarious.

When I got back from the ENT's office, we all drove to Scott and Amy's to drop off dinner and then we went to JETs to pick up a pizza. While waiting on the pizza we let Finn stand up the driver's seat and play with the steering wheel. He ended up figuring out how to turn the radio on and off. He also has the mechanics of driving down pat. He kept his left hand on the wheel while he made every attempt to shift gears with his right hand. I do believe that we have future "Ice Road Trucker" on our hands. I am just amazed at how much Finn loves motorized machinery. As I have mentioned before, Finn loves anything with wheels. Every time we go out to the garage Finn points out the lawn mower and tries his very best to say mower. Back the point though, when we got home we saw this commercial on TV where a dad is giving his young daughter the keys to his car and telling her to be careful. The little girl (probably age five) is sitting in the driver's side fidgeting and playing the seat belt. The next shot you see the daughter is actually a teenager and is taking the car out for a drive. This commercial really got to me, especially because Finn had been pretend driving just a few minutes before. Michael looked over at me and said "there he is." I had fight really hard not to cry.

Finally, we started a new bathtime ritual. The ENT told me that I need to start spraying Finn's nose with saline spray. He assured me that this would really help Finn out during the dry winter months. We decided to spray Finn right before his bath. We assumed that the act of spraying anything up his nose would infuriate him to the point that the only consolation would be the bathtub. We were wrong. He didn't mind a bit. I have posted a video to prove it.

I haven't really posted a lot about it, but Finn is walking. Before today he would only take a few steps at a time, seven (7) at most. Today was a whole different ballgame. He walked everywhere! I love to watch him walk! I didn't get to record his first steps, but here is a video of his best sequence of steps yet. Ignore the creepy sounding woman in the background.


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